OMA Management Community Updates


Timely Insights and Analysis for Ohio Manufacturers

Which manufacturing issues are most important to you? Our management communities help you keep a close eye on important developments by community category.

Make the Most of Your Membership

Maximize the value of your OMA membership by joining the OMA’s management communities that are most relevant to your role, interests, and company. These management communities are the key to OMA member engagement.

Communities That Work for You

When you join an OMA Management Community, you’ll receive community-specific information, including:

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    Notices for meetings, webinars, and special events

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    Bulletins and alerts

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    Legislative and regulatory updates

Our Management Communities

To help members identify the issues and information most relevant to their roles and interests, OMA services are segmented by issue:

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Human Resources
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Safety/Workers’ Comp
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Tax and Finance
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Get In Touch

To learn more about the OMA’s management communities and the benefits they provide to Ohio manufacturers, get in touch with our team today.
