Burkland/Timmons Op-Ed: No to Garrett at Ex-Im


In an op-ed in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, OMA president Eric Burkland and NAM president Jay Timmons wrote: “(O)ne recent development in our nation’s capital should have manufacturing workers deeply concerned: the nominee to be president and chairman of the U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank. This one appointment could jeopardize billions of dollars in manufacturing sales and millions of jobs. “The nominee in question is Scott Garrett, a defeated former congressman from New Jersey. When in Congress, he made it his mission to destroy the Ex-Im Bank. In fact, as a congressman, Garrett voted to kill the Ex-Im Bank every chance he got — more than a dozen times in all. He urged his colleagues to ‘keep the Export-Import Bank out of business.'” Read why Garrett is not fit for President Trump’s manufacturing agenda and why the Senate should reject him. 9/14/2017
