Previously, under Ohio Administrative Code, certified nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants (CNP, etc.) were not permitted to provide an opinion regarding whether a claimant is temporarily and totally disabled. The BWC recently revised this rule to permit CNP, etc. to offer an opinion regarding temporary total disability for any initial period of disability throughout the length of the claim. After consideration of OMA comments in direct response to the BWC’s proposed changes, a CNP, etc. can only offer an opinion regarding temporary total disability if requested to do so within the first six weeks following the date of injury, and can only write a claimant off work or place them on light-duty for up to six weeks. This language reconciles the BWC’s intent to provide immediate care to an injured worker following a work-related injury and to be taken off work if necessary, with a manufacturer’s needs to remain productive, profitable and efficient by requiring care with a licensed physician if the extent of disability is expected to go beyond six weeks. 11/17/2016
BWC Amends Rule about Medical Provider Authority at OMA Request