BWC Seeking Safety Innovation Award Applications


Has your organization developed a new piece of equipment, tool or process to reduce risk to your workforce? Have you made changes to an existing method to improve safety and health in your workplace? If so, you could earn a cash prize for your ingenuity by applying for a BWC Safety Innovation Award. The application period for 2018 Safety Innovation Awards is now open. The BWC doesn’t evaluate the innovation based on whether it’s low-tech or high-tech. It’s seeking solutions that reduce risk, create cost savings, and that have potential application to other workplaces, industries or operations. If you are an Ohio employer – or know one – that has taken an innovative step to reduce risk of injury or illness, check out the award criteria and application. Five finalists will receive cash awards, ranging from $1,000 to $6,000. The entry deadline is September 30, 2017. 7/31/2017
