For Friends of American Manufacturing Only!


The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) invites all friends of manufacturing to join a grassroots network in support of American manufacturing: Friends of Manufacturing. Friends of Manufacturing says: “We realize the vital role that manufacturing plays in each and every community, big or small, throughout the United States. From the millions of jobs we support, to the products we make that are the envy of the world, America depends on manufacturing. … “But Manufacturing in America is under threat. Whether by government policies that favor special interests, or by foreign companies and governments that break the rules, our ability to compete and put more Americans to work in good-paying jobs is getting harder each and every day. “We believe that all Friends of Manufacturing … should have a say in government policies that affect their livelihood. “We believe that government should make it easier, not harder, for manufacturers to grow and succeed. And we believe that our elected representatives should be held accountable for the decisions they make.” By joining at no cost or obligation, Friends of Manufacturing will let you know when issues that are critical to our well-being are being debated in Washington, and what you can do about it. Sign up here.  Pass it on!  This is designed to engage an army of supporters of American manufacturing.
