House Committee Passes Revised Energy Bailout Bill


On an 8-5 vote, members of the House Energy & Natural Resources Committee on Thursday, May 23, passed the nuclear power bailout bill. The approved language was the 17th version of the measure, which the OMA continues to oppose. Supporters of Substitute House Bill 6 have dropped the pretense of carbon reduction and changed their rallying cry to energy security. The new version of Sub HB 6 would still bail out Ohio’s two nuclear power plants, but it also would expand ratepayer-funded subsidies to two 1950s-era coal plants owned by the Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC). One of the OVEC plants is in Indiana. A full House vote is expected next week. An updated customer impact analysis and legal analysis are in the works. The OMA Energy Committee will meet on Thursday, May 30, providing yet another opportunity for members to get an update. 5/23/2019
