In-Demand Jobs List Gets an Update


This week, Lt. Governor Jon Husted announced the launch of Ohio’s updated In-Demand Jobs List. The list was created using data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, projections from JobsOhio, job posting trends, and survey responses submitted by Ohio businesses. An “in-demand job” in Ohio is defined as one that:

  • pays at least 80% of the state median wage ($14.10 or more per hour); and
  • has an annual growth in the number of jobs higher than the statewide average of 36 or annual job openings greater than 584.

Meanwhile, InnovateOhio — the DeWine-Husted administration’s initiative to expand technology and promote entrepreneurship statewide — has integrated the In-Demand Jobs List as part of its online tools at to help students, workers, guidance counselors, and other users to make well-informed career decisions. 12/10/2019
