LIFT, Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow, has joined a partnership among Mahoning Valley manufacturers, educators at all levels, and workforce developers, led by Youngstown State University Research Foundation (YSURF), to develop the Mahoning Valley Innovation & Commercialization Center (MVICC). This public-private partnership will create an educational and entrepreneurial hub to share facilities, equipment, and instructors – all necessary to build the educated and skilled manufacturing workforce for the region. The MVICC will serve as the first of its kind for the manufacturing industry, creating a “Teaching Factory” by replicating the concept of teaching hospitals across the U.S. The Teaching Factory will use shared equipment, facilities and training, all focused on the greater purpose of creating and shaping the talent of tomorrow and further developing incumbent workers today. Students engaged in the program will earn stackable, portable credentials which can culminate in a certificate or degree. They will also have the option to gain full-time employment with one of the many industry partners. Here is a fact sheet on the initiative. 2/2/2017
LIFT Joins YSU University Research Foundation in Developing Advanced Manufacturing “Teaching Factory”