Marijuana Proposal Presents Employer Concerns


OMA legal counsel, Joelle Khouzam, Bricker & Eckler LLP, has analyzed a recently proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution by the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a Washington D.C.-based group, to permit the medical use of marijuana. This analysis summarizes the proposed Marijuana Policy Project amendment and the corresponding workplace concerns.  According to counsel, there are multiple provisions that may interfere with or limit an employer’s ability to enforce its workplace policies. The amendment may be on the November General Election ballot if it survives the signature and certification process.  Supporters of the amendment must submit 1,000 signatures and an amendment summary to the Ohio Attorney General.  If the Attorney General certifies the measure, the Ohio Ballot Board will decide if the proposed amendment is one or more ballot issues.  At that point, proponents could begin collecting the 305,591 signatures necessary to qualify for the November ballot.  Signatures are due by July 6 to qualify for the November election.
