NAM State of Manufacturing Launches in Ohio


This week, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) launched their 2025 State of Manufacturing tour at Armstrong World Industries in Hilliard, OH. NAM selected Ohio as their kickoff location based on the leadership and strength of Ohio’s manufacturing industry.

NAM President Jay Timmons along with OMA President Ryan Augsburger, NAM Board Chair and Johnson & Johnson Executive Vice President Kathy Wengel, and Armstrong World Industries General Counsel Austin So, were joined by Ohio manufacturing leaders, including Johnson & Johnson, Humtown Products, Sugar Creek, OPC Polymers/Yenkin-Majestic, among many others.

Later, NAM held a press conference at the Ohio Statehouse, where they were joined by state officials and Ohio manufacturers, including Humtown Products CEO and OMA Boardmember Mark Lamoncha, who emphasized the need to preserve the 2017 tax reforms that served as “rocket fuel” for the industry. 2/18/2025
