New Bill Would Delay Collection of HB 6 Nuclear Subsidies; Falls Short of OMA-Backed HB 772


As the lame duck session kicked off this week, Ohio House Republicans introduced new legislation to delay the collection of House Bill 6’s nuclear subsidies for one year. Sponsored by Rep. Jim Hoops (R-Norwalk), chair of the House Select Committee on Energy Policy and Oversight, House Bill 798 would delay the start of the $170 million in nuclear and solar subsidies by one year to Jan. 1, 2022. While the OMA appreciates that lawmakers have recognized HB 6’s flaws, HB 798 does not go far enough to protect customers or markets — as highlighted in this analysis. Nor does HB 798 adequately address the three main reasons why lawmakers should repeal and reform HB 6 provisions yet this year. To ensure a more competitive energy policy, the OMA continues to call for passage of House Bill 772, legislation by Rep. Mark Romanchuk (R-Ontario). HB 772 would repeal and reform HB 6’s harmful provisions, saving customers an estimated $3 billion over the next decade. With just days remaining in the 133rd General Assembly, it’s important that your state representatives hear from you regarding this issue. 12/3/2020
