New Resource: Earn-and-Learn Guide for Ohio Manufacturers


The Ohio Manufacturing Workforce Partnership (OMWP) — a collaboration of the OMA and Ohio TechNet — has released a new guide titled Innovative Earn-and-Learn Strategies for Building Ohio’s Manufacturing Workforce. The handbook is designed to assist manufacturers — along with their education and community partners — develop earn-and-learn (apprenticeship) projects to upskill Ohioans and help fill the deficit of manufacturing workers. Topics include:

  • The role of Ohio’s industry-led sector partnerships in supporting earn-and-learn projects;
  • The value of earn-and-learn strategies;
  • Best practices;
  • Tips for attracting the 21st century workforce; and
  • A listing of relevant industry credentials that develop manufacturing workers’ skills and other resources.

If you have questions about how to become more involved with earn-and-learn strategies in Ohio manufacturing, please get in touch with us by email or contact your regional industry sector partnership directly. (Here’s the partnership directory.) 6/26/2020
