New Round of Funding for TechCred


This week, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted announced the start of the fifth round of funding for TechCred. Applications may be submitted through Monday, Aug. 31. Under this innovative program to upskill workers, employers can be reimbursed up to $2,000 for each current or incoming employee (and up to $30,000 in total per round). See the OMA’s one-pager for more details. As a resource to employers, the list of eligible TechCred credentials now includes examples of education and training providers that offer each certificate or certification. Employers can work with a training provider that is not listed. In the previous application round, which ran throughout June, 302 companies were approved for funding to upskill 3,241 workers. Overall, 695 Ohio employers have so far been approved for reimbursement — supporting 7,473 technology-focused credentials for Ohio employees. Manufacturers have comprised the largest industry group for both applicants and awardees. 8/5/2020
