Ohio 2020 Tax Policy Study Commission Holds Hearing


This week the Ohio 2020 Tax Policy Study Commission and its freshly appointed co-chairman, Rep. Tim Schaffer (R-Lancaster) held its first hearing since the spring.  The commission, which was created in the last budget bill, continues to hear from groups and individuals regarding all matters of Ohio tax policy. This week the commission heard from a variety of witnesses testifying on multiple aspects of Ohio’s tax code including income tax, sales tax, business taxes, and tax credits.  The witnesses included OMA friend and respected economist Dr. Ned Hill, who testified on (1) Ohio’s fiscal system, (2) the quality of local government fiscal data, (3) tax revenue and future business cycles, and (4) tax credit programs. Testimony was also provided by the Ohio Municipal League, Policy Matters Ohio, Council of State Taxation, and a coalition of Ohio mayors.  Hearings are scheduled to continue through the remainder of the year.  9/29/2016
