Ohioans Prefer Energy Choice


A recent poll of Ohioans found support for the benefits of a deregulated energy marketplace. The Fallon Research firm was engaged by the Alliance for Energy Choice to measure Ohioans’ attitudes and opinions about energy policies.

  • 91.5% oppose changing Ohio law to allow utilities, like AEP and First Energy, to charge customers for the cost to build their new plants.
  • 78.7% oppose a change in law that would eliminate the ability to shop for the best price for electric and natural gas service from a variety of providers and require customers to take services only from their local utility.
  • 62% disagree that utility customers should pay the additional cost to support uneconomical power plants because it may preserve jobs in certain communities.
  • 55.5% agree that Ohio should increase electric market competition, even if it means the elimination of the government-mandated electric utility monopoly that has existed for decades.

Here are all the results2/6/2017
