This week the OMA along with other business allies across the country sent a letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt asking the agency to reconsider its 2015 ozone standard. In the letter the groups state: “Despite over three decades of cleaner air and before states can catch up with EPA’s delays in implementing existing (2008) ozone standards, EPA finalized tighter standards of 70 parts per billion that could bring additional areas of the country into nonattainment.” Ohio, which has made major strides in air quality over the last 30 years, is vulnerable in some regions of the state falling into nonattainment. Without offsetting reductions in nonattainment areas new manufacturing investment is not permitted. With the improvements made over the past decades it is important to leave the 2008 ozone standards in place and allow Ohio and other states to work to lower levels in a more reasonable time frame. 9/7/2017
OMA Asks U.S. EPA to Reconsider 2015 Ozone Standards