OMA Board Meets; Directors Re-Elected


On June 16, the OMA board met virtually for its third meeting of 2020. Directors were briefed on recent, coronavirus-related legislative activity, as well as executive actions by the DeWine administration affecting Ohio’s manufacturers. Dr. Ned Hill, professor of economics at The Ohio State University’s John Glenn College of Public Affairs, provided his economic outlook and possible scenarios for recovery. The board re-elected the following directors to three-year terms:

  • Dale Foerster, vice president, Starr Manufacturing, Inc.
  • Cathy Lyttle, senior vice president and chief human resources officer, Worthington Industries, Inc.
  • Frank Mehwald, president & CEO, Atlantic Tool & Die
  • Bob Nelson, senior vice president, Honda of American Mfg., Inc.
  • Brent Rosebrook, vice president of finance and administration, PRO-TEC Coating Company, LLC
  • William Sopko, president, Sopko & Sons Co., Inc.
  • Hunter Wright, senior operations engineer, Ariel Corp.

This week’s meeting marked the last for longtime board member Jim Krimmel, president and CEO at Cleveland-based Zaclon LLC. Jim has been an OMA director for more than 27 years. The OMA is grateful for his many years of committed leadership, including his service as chairman of the OMA board. 6/17/2020
