OMA Comments on Ohio EPA Large River Nutrient Rule


The OMA last week submitted comments on Ohio EPA’s Early Stakeholder Outreach (ESO) — Nutrient Water Quality Standards for Ohio’s Large Rivers (OAC 3745-1-36). This would be a new rule intended to contain Ohio’s standards for eutrophication endpoints in Ohio’s Large River Assessment Units. Large rivers are those that drain over 500 mi2. This new proposed rule would establish nutrient standards for these large rivers. In addition, a target phosphorus concentration is being considered for river segments that are over-enriched as demonstrated by the standard. OMA’s comments dove into the technical aspects of the proposal and questioned portions of the ESO. OMA requested that Ohio EPA convene a stakeholder group to provide interested-party feedback, expert support, and industry analysis as part of the rulemaking process for this important nutrient rule. OMA also submitted more general comments in conjunction with the Ohio AgriBusiness Association. Thank you to the member companies which submitted comments on this issue. And thank you to the OMA nutrient working group members for your help and feedback with the comments. Ohio EPA is holding a webinar on the proposal on November 5. You can register here. Please contact Rob Brundrett for more information on this issue. 10/29/2018
