OMA Committed to Diversity in Manufacturing


Considering the events of the past week, the OMA and its board of directors remain committed to diversity and inclusion within the industry. While productive dialog matters, societal improvements will not be accomplished through words alone. Substantive actions are needed to help ensure all Americans have an equal opportunity to prosper. One of the best ways to do this is to make certain that individuals have the skills needed to succeed, including skills for well-paying manufacturing careers. The OMA continues its work to engage non-traditional populations regarding manufacturing career pathways, including new learn-and-earn opportunities. Even during the pandemic, the OMA and its workforce partners have continued to advance our plan to create 5,000 apprenticeships statewide, with special emphasis on recruiting people of color, as well as women, veterans, and ex-offenders. If you have thoughts or ideas on these efforts, contact us directly. 6/2/2020
