OMA Files Concerns with Ohio Lake Erie Commission re. Draft Action Plan


This week the OMA filed comments with the Ohio Lake Erie Commission on its Draft Domestic Action Plan 2018; portions of the plan could be detrimental to manufacturers. OMA outlined its concern regarding the draft plan’s call for a legislative mandate of a 1.0 mg/L monthly average phosphorus limit for all treatment works in Ohio. OMA wrote: “… this radical and unjustifiable shift in NPDES permitting in Ohio is completely unfounded, arbitrary, contrary to current statutory programs in Ohio, and not scientifically defensible. It would impose unnecessary and extensive costs on regulated parties without measurable decrease in Lake Erie phosphorus loads. … For the Action Plan to meet due process and other legal requirements and to align with the Action Plan’s broader adaptive management protocols, the legislative mandate must be removed from the draft Action Plan.” The OMA environment committee will learn more about this plan – among other issues – when it meets on October 26 in Cleveland at our host member, ArcelorMittal. Register now. 9/28/2017
