Ohio’s Electric Security Plans (ESPs), authorized under a 2008 energy law, allow utilities to request customer charges that exceed market prices, thereby harming manufacturers. Two pending ESP bills are currently being considered by state lawmakers. This week, the Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee held its fifth hearing on Senate Bill 102, which purportedly aims to overhaul the ESP ratemaking process but has drawn heavy criticism since its introduction. As reported by Hannah News Service, Kim Bojko, the OMA’s energy counsel, led opponent testimony. (Watch the video.) She said the latest version of SB 102 would fail to end the abusive ESP process and excessive profits, while upending the traditional ratemaking process for all regulated industries — not just electric utilities. See this OMA summary. Bojko noted that OMA-supported Senate Bill 143 offers a better way to address ESPs by actually abolishing them and pushing utilities toward market rate offers.12/5/2023
OMA Leads Opposition Against Flawed ESP Reform