OMA Supports Kasich Proposal to Centralize Municipal Tax Collection


Governor Kasich’s 2017/18 biennial budget proposes to modernize the municipal tax system by centralizing administration at the state level: “To save businesses the extra cost of computing and then filing “net profit” taxes with multiple municipalities, Ohio seeks to streamline the process by having businesses file just one form and a single payment online through the Ohio Business Gateway, with the Ohio Department of Taxation processing payments and distributing revenues back to the appropriate local government, just as it does for county sales taxes and school district income taxes.” In a memo of support to the administration, OMA wrote: “This will relieve the current complicated and burdensome system of municipal income tax collection for businesses. It would be one more important step in advancing Ohio’s business-friendliness. The OMA supports the governor’s proposal to centralize municipal income tax collection administration.”  2/9/2017
