The OMA this week provided proponent testimony on House Bill 242, legislation that would prohibit local governments from imposing a tax, fee, assessment, or other charge on auxiliary containers (e.g., a plastic or paper bag) — as well as the sale, use, or consumption of auxiliary containers, or on the basis of receipts received from the sale of auxiliary containers. There are currently more than 300 laws pending in state legislatures that would regulate or ban certain types a packaging. As the OMA stated in its testimony, “Ohio manufacturers make a wide variety of world-class products. So when local jurisdictions in our state enact restrictions or outright bans on certain products or product content; or impose mandates to label certain products; or place a tax on certain products, it makes it very difficult for Ohio manufacturers to comply here at home, much less in the global economy.” 6/6/2019
OMA Testifies in Support of ‘Auxiliary Container’ Pre-Emption Bill