PUCO Plans PowerForward Phase Two: Exploring Technologies


PowerForward is the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s (PUCO) review of the latest in technological and regulatory innovation that could serve to enhance the consumer electricity experience. Through the series, the PUCO intends to chart a path for future grid modernization projects, innovative regulations and forward-thinking policies. Industry experts have been invited to provide presentations that will help the commission better understand the future electric distribution grid and how technological enhancements could affect different stakeholders. The three-day phase one, “A Glimpse of the Future,” was held in April, and is recapped here. The agenda and slate of speakers are now posted for July’s three-day phase two, “Exploring Technologies.” Interested parties are invited to attend all or part of the July 25-27 event in Columbus. There is no need to register and the event is free to attend. 6/26/2017
