Sen. Portman Sounds Alarm on CHIPS Act Funding


U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has told news media he’s concerned about the fate of funding for the CHIPS Act, which would provide $52 billion to boost U.S. semiconductor manufacturing. The provision is part of a broader proposal pending before a committee of more than 100 U.S. House and Senate negotiators. The funding is considered a key factor in determining the speed with which Intel will realize its announced $20 billion investment in Ohio. Sen. Portman said, “If we don’t pass something by the August recess, my fear is we’ll see a number of these big fabs … be built somewhere else and that would be terrible for our economy” and national security. OMA members can use this tool to contact their federal representatives to urge immediate action on the CHIPS Act funding. 7/14/2022
