This week the Senate introduced a substitute version of SB 52. The intent of the original bill was to increase the influence local and impacted parties have during the Ohio Power Siting Board process when siting large-scale wind and solar projects. The original bill allowed for local referendums of Board decisions. The new sub bill gives county commissioners the ability to stop projects in advance of the application being filed with the Power Siting Board. The sub bill also allows county commissioners to designate zones in their counties where wind or solar projects would be permitted, and finally the bill provides that if a county or township passes a resolution against such a project then there is a rebuttal presumption that the project is detrimental, requiring the Power Siting Board to create a defense of the project. The bill is expected to be voted out of the Senate soon. 5/27/2021
Senate Continues Debate on Approvals of Large Solar/Wind Projects