To Insource or Outsource 3D Printing?


An emerging challenge companies face is deciding whether to invest in 3D printing to bring additive manufacturing (AM) in-house or to outsource their printing needs. According to a blog from Oh!Manufacturing, a division of PolymerOhio:  “For operations that want to use AM for a few processes with a specific range of materials, or for those that want to make production parts, it may make sense to bring the ability in-house. “For most other businesses, AM can be outsourced to a service bureau that can simply print and ship to them parts that match their specifications. Outsourcing will still most likely yield a significant cost savings, especially for those companies who are still experimenting with how AM can be integrated into their processes. It’s a low-cost and low-risk way to try out various strategies and technologies and to learn from the experience of the supplier.”  Read more.
