Won’t Get Fooled Again: HB 6 Does Not Benefit Energy-Intensive Manufacturers


The ultimate fate of House Bill 6 — Ohio’s nuclear bailout law — will not be known until a referendum campaign is played out. That could happen as soon as late October if the campaign fails to gather enough valid signatures. Or the question may languish until November 2020 if the referendum is successfully placed on the general election ballot. (The referendum group has until Oct. 21 to collect more than 265,000 valid signatures.) The OMA is working to ensure that the needs of manufacturers are considered throughout the HB 6 implementation process, which is already well underway. Even though the law’s provisions have not yet gone into effect, some parties erroneously believe HB 6 will deliver benefits to energy-intensive customers. If you are in this camp, you owe it to yourself — and your company — to review why HB 6 does not benefit manufacturers. Read the myths surrounding HB 6. 10/2/2019
