August 16, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 109


Update: On August 14, 2013, OMAEG counsel informed DP&L that the OMAEG would agree to a larger settlement stipulation, which includes the following language:

“B.      Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Energy Group (OMAEG)

  1. DP&L will work with the OMAEG to communicate energy efficiency programs to manufacturers.  To assist in the development of comprehensive communication tools and strategies to promote DP&L’s energy efficiency/peak demand reduction (EE/PDR) programs with its members, assist in their participation, and conduct energy efficiency training, DP&L shall provide the OMA $30,000 annually for the term of DP&L’s Program Portfolio.  To the extent the OMA is able to assist DP&L in educating its members on DP&L’s programs and gain participation of the OMA’s members, it is expected that this funding will offset DP&L’s promotional costs.  The OMA will work with DP&L to verify energy savings totaling one half of a percent or more of combined retail annual energy sales averaged over the OMA members’ 2010-2012 baseline.
  1. As a part of the pilot program budget, DP&L will allocate $30,000 of funding toward cost-sharing research with the OMA.  Topics of investigation with the seed funding may include:

a)    Point-of-sale cogged v-belt program;

b)    Industrial insulation prescriptive measure; and

c)    “New Production” program, similar to “New Construction” for commercial buildings.”

  1. OMA agrees to report to the collaborative at least twice during the term of DP&L’s 2013-2015 Program Portfolio regarding baseline savings and the cost-sharing research described above.”

This settlement proposal will provide the OMA with an annual stream of revenue to support energy efficiency initiatives.  Further, counsel articulated that the OMAEG’s agreement it contingent upon reviewing the final language of the entire stipulation and confirming that there are no material modifications to the existing language of the stipulation.

Counsel also participated in a conference call on August 14, 2013 with DP&L and numerous intervening parties about the settlement status.  It seems like DP&L is very close to coming to an agreement with several parties, if it has not already.  As such, the OMAEG will participate in the next settlement conference call scheduled for August 19, 2013.  We will continue to participate in settlement discussions and will provide updates accordingly.
