Update: DP&L reiterated its position that it is permitted to withdraw its current ESP (i.e., ESP 2) and partially revert back to the rates and tariffs from its prior ESP (i.e., ESP 1). To support its withdrawal request, DP&L argued that the Supreme Court of Ohio reversed the entirety of its current ESP. However, as OMA Energy Group, OEG, Kroger, IEU-Ohio, the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, and several others have argued, the Court’s reversal was limited to the PUCO’s approval of DP&L’s Service Stability Rider. DP&L also claimed that a partial reversion and picking and choosing the provisions of two ESPs that are most favorable to DP&L are appropriate because it minimizes customer disruptions; however, DP&L did not explain how a partial reversion complies with Ohio law. Parties await next steps from the PUCO.