Update: On December 30, 2013, DP&L filed an application to transfer or sell certain generation assets. In its application, DP&L indicates that despite the fact that the deadline to transfer such assets was set for a certain period in the future, it is presently exploring its options to sell/transfer such assets to an affiliate as early as 2014. DP&L asks the Commission to waive hearing on this matter. DP&L argues that a hearing is not necessary at this time because DP&L does not have a final plan for separation and plans to file a supplement to this application. DP&L also argues that the issue of generation asset transfer was fully addressed in the recent DP&L ESP proceeding. DP&L also requests waiver of the requirement that it state the fair market value for its generation assets to be transferred, or that the calculation be postponed until it is closer to the time of the transfer.
A procedural schedule has been issued and comments/objections to DP&L’s application for sale of its generating assets are due on February 4, 2014. To date, the parties that have filed a motion for intervention in this proceeding are the Ohio Energy Group, FirstEnergy Solutions Corp., and Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. OMAEG filed its motion for intervention in this proceeding on January 30, 2014.