Update: On February 25, 2014, DP&L filed a supplemental application to transfer its generation assets. DP&L is no longer requesting waiver of the requirement to disclose the fair market value (FMV) of the assets it transfers. However, DP&L is still requesting waiver of the hearing. DP&L now seeks authority to transfer its generation assets to GenCo, an affiliated company, at FMV by May 31, 2017. DP&L states that the FMV of the assets will be determined 90 days before the transfer date.
However, DP&L also states that they are considering all options, including transfer to an unaffiliated third party through sale. The assets would be transferred at FMV under this proposal. This additional proposal of a sale to an unaffiliated third party makes it unclear what DP&L’s true intentions are for transferring its generations assets. Without more information or a more definite plan, it is still difficult for interested parties to effectively protect their interests.