November 8, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 152


Update:  As you are likely aware, AEP Ohio submits quarterly fuel adjustment clause (FAC) filings that are subject to audit.  AEP Ohio submitted such a filing on March 8, 2010 in Case No. 10-268-EL-FAC.  OMAEG did not specifically intervene in Case No. 10-268-EL-FAC; however, while that proceeding was pending, AEP Ohio filed another quarterly FAC filing in PUCO Case No. 10-1286-EL-FAC.  OMAEG requested and was granted intervention in that case.  The cases were consolidated by a June 16, 2011 Entry.  OMAEG’s intervention in Case No. 10-1286-EL-FAC preserved its ability to participate in Case No. 10-268-EL-FAC.  A procedural schedule was issued on September 19, 2013 setting the hearing for Case No. 10-268-EL-FAC on November 18, 2013.
