Update: On October 16, 2013, the Commission issued a Finding and Order directing that its proposed revisions to Rules 4901:1-10-01 and 4901:1-10-05, Ohio Administrative Code (O.A.C.), be submitted to the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Secretary of State, and the Legislative Service Commission. The Commission explained that it has not yet completed its review of the remaining rules in Chapter 4901:1-10, O.A.C. Because a number of the definitions proposed by parties for inclusion in Rule 4901:1-10-01 will apply to a number of rules in the Chapter in addition to Rule 4901:1-10-05, the Commission declined to adopt a number of the parties’ proposed definitions at this time. As it reviews the remaining rules in the Chapter, however, the Commission will be reevaluating the proposed definitions.
October 25, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 137