Energy Services


Helping Ensure a More Competitive Energy Marketplace 

Manufacturers are the largest group of energy customers in Ohio. Economical, reliable energy is essential to our industry. That’s why the OMA has a long history of working for affordable energy while opposing legislation that only benefits utility companies.

Join the OMA Energy Management Community

Get information and analysis you need to follow and help shape energy legislation and regulations — and to help manage energy decisions for your business. Engage in person or online as a member of the OMA Energy Policy Committee, which meets quarterly. As a member, you will receive updates, alerts, and invitations to meetings and events.


Be Informed About Energy Matters

OMA members have access to a variety of information to help them procure and manage energy. Below is a small sample of the OMA’s energy offerings:

Join the OMA Energy Group

A buy-up opportunity for OMA members, the OMA Energy Group was created to allow manufacturers to productively engage in the regulatory process – via the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). It’s one more way for manufacturers to manage their costs and reliability. The OMA Energy Group is staffed by one of Ohio’s most experienced lawyers in all areas of utility regulation, and is guided by the expertise of a respected energy engineering firm.

Learn more and check out these FAQs.

Join the OMA Sustainability Peer Network

OMA’s Sustainability Peer Network was created to help support manufacturing managers and staff who have responsibility for meeting their company’s sustainability or ESG goals. Members participate in informational meetings and learning events, as well as tours of member manufacturing facilities to gather best practices.


Access to Efficiency Guidance

Decrease energy use, increase efficiency, and save money. Click below to see how OMA’s energy engineering partner, Go Sustainable Energy LLC, can help your company find, deploy, and qualify energy efficiency projects.

Connect With Energy Experts

The OMA Connections Directory connects you with energy experts who understand manufacturing.

Get Started

To get access to our energy services, join the OMA today. Or contact us for more information.
