Access Energy Efficiency Engineering


Access OMA-Endorsed Energy Consulting

Energy technologies and markets evolve rapidly, bringing opportunities to save energy and money. But it’s smart to have an experienced third-party to help you select the best path forward.

Go Sustainable Energy LLC, an Ohio energy engineering firm and an OMA Connections Partner, can help you make decisions and support your staff.

Questions to Ask 

  • Which projects or technologies are right for my business?
  • Which projects or decisions will meet my company’s ROI target and sustainability goals?
  • Are there financial incentives my company can access?
  • How can my business find the necessary support to take the next steps?

About Go Sustainable Energy LLC 

Go Sustainable’s expertise extends to energy efficiency, renewable energy, combined heat and power, peak load management, motors and drives, and many other energy-saving projects and technologies. Go Sustainable delivers accurate, unbiased information on a range of energy topics.

Go Sustainable can help you determine viable projects, estimate your return on investment, and qualify your projects for available financial incentives — saving you time and resources. The professional staff can also assist with in-depth studies of your facility’s operations, vet proposed technologies, create a plan, and maximize the efficiency of new facilities.


More Reasons to Work With the OMA

Expertise in energy

The OMA is manufacturers’ constant and consistent voice in energy matters before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, the Ohio General Assembly, and other relevant bodies.


The OMA does not have agreements with specific equipment vendors. We do not make money on equipment you purchase and install.

Cost effective

The OMA takes no portion or percentage of any energy savings you realize

Get Started Today

Contact The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association today to learn more about our energy efficiency expertise.
